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More Business Listings, Less Effort

Listings AI

Make maps, voice assistants, GPS apps, and local directories your top marketing tools. Easily sync and manage your store hours, menu, contact details, and more across ~200 global platforms, ensuring high-intent customers can find and choose your business when they search.

Manage Your Content With Confidence

Rated 5 of 5

See what you get with Listings AI

A Powerful and Diverse Network
A Powerful and Diverse Network
From Google Maps and Apple Maps to Alexa, Bing Places, and Waze, your business profile appears in countless local search results online. Keeping all these listings accurate and updated can be overwhelming and time-consuming. We revolutionized this process by creating direct integrations with search platforms worldwide, making it easier than ever to manage your business information efficiently and effectively.
Update Once, Sync Everywhere
Say goodbye to the hassle of updating each listing manually. With Listings, you can make changes—like holiday closures or new hours—right in the platform, and your business details will automatically sync across all your listings. It’s fast, easy, and ensures consistency everywhere.
Track Your Search Performance
Track Your Search Performance
Managing your listings isn’t just about pushing out updates—it’s about gaining insights too. With our direct integrations, you can track key metrics like search impressions, clicks, and conversions, giving you a complete view of your local SEO performance. See how much impact your listings are driving for your business.
Seamless Integrations
We offer more than just an extensive network—it ensures your customers always see the most up-to-date information. Forget juggling multiple logins or hoping your updates take effect. With our real-time integrations, you can confidently update your business information instantly across all platforms.
Comprehensive Content Management
Comprehensive Content Management
Your business is more than just a name, address, and phone number—but that’s often all local listing services handle. With us, you can showcase everything that makes your business unique. Add logos, photos, delivery options, special hours, appointment requirements, and so much more to create rich, detailed listings that truly represent your brand.
Duplicate Suppression
Deactivate duplicate listings from over 100 publishers so only authoritative listings are pushed live.

At Effortless Web Works, we empower businesses to enhance their online presence and build trust with potential customers through our comprehensive suite of reviews & listings management solutions.

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Diverse Network
Seamless Integrations
Listing Content Management
24/7 Support
Share with Anyone
Ready Worldwide
Rated 5 of 5

See what our customers have to say

Frequently Asked Questions

Listings AI allows businesses to manage and synchronize their essential information—such as store hours, menu items, and contact details—across approximately 200 global platforms, including maps, voice assistants, GPS apps, and local directories. This ensures that potential customers find accurate and up-to-date information when they search for your business.

We have established direct integrations with a vast network of search platforms worldwide, including Google Maps, Apple Maps, Amazon Alexa, Bing Places, and Waze. These deep integrations enable real-time updates, ensuring that any changes you make to your business information are promptly reflected across all platforms.

Yes, by maintaining consistent and accurate information across multiple listings, Listings AI can enhance your local SEO performance. Businesses with complete, optimized location listings receive 52% more clicks from local search, increasing visibility and customer engagement.

Our Duplicate Suppression feature identifies and suppresses duplicate listings across various platforms. This process prevents the reappearance of duplicates, ensuring that your business information remains consistent and accurate.

Upon cancellation, we stop sending your business data to our network of platforms. Consequently, your listings may revert to information sourced from other data aggregators or user-generated content, which could lead to inconsistencies over time.

The time for updates to go live varies by platform, ranging from as quickly as one hour to up to a week. We provide real-time status updates, allowing you to monitor the progress of your listings.

Yes, our platform includes analytics that provide insights into how consumers interact with your business listings. You can track metrics such as search impressions, clicks, and conversions to understand the effectiveness of your local SEO efforts.

Yes, we specialize in location data management and are beneficial for service-based businesses aiming to optimize and manage their online presence, even without a physical storefront.

Unlimited Possibilities
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